Press Release

8minute Solar Energy Celebrates its Partnership with Moapa Band of Paiutes

Mar 17, 2022

This press release was originally published under 8minute. 8minute changed its name to Avantus in 2022.

Workers at the Eagle Shadow Mountain Solar Project highlight the opportunities solar provides, especially for tribal communities

LOS ANGELES, March 17, 2022 – To provide an on-the-ground perspective on solar development, 8minute Solar Energy (8minute) is highlighting its continued collaboration with the Moapa Band of Paiutes on the 383 MWdc Eagle Shadow Mountain Solar Project. Located on the Moapa River Indian Reservation, Eagle Shadow Mountain is currently under construction and will provide power to 250,000 people across Nevada once online.

“The Eagle Shadow Mountain Solar Project — a true testament to clean, affordable energy — would not be possible without our partner, the Moapa Band of Paiutes, who will have supported project development at every stage from initial siting and permitting through construction and eventual operation,” said Dr. Tom Buttgenbach, 8minute Founder and CEO. “Together, we’re bringing good-paying jobs to the Moapa River community and creating a clean, healthy energy future for all.”

Listen to tribal members and project managers as they share why solar projects, like Eagle Shadow Mountain, provide important opportunities for tribal communities looking to chart a clean energy future.