Moving the world to green hydrogen.
As a leader in green hydrogen solutions, Avantus is making large-scale, low-cost green hydrogen possible.

Green hydrogen can decarbonize hard-to-electrify sectors
It’s also key to achieving a 100% renewable and reliable power grid.
We’re poised to scale green hydrogen
It will take infrastructure, expertise, and renewable energy capacity to bring green hydrogen to market. Avantus has the track record to deliver.
Solar-powered hydrogen production
1. A solar powered electrolyzer makes hydrogen from water
The electricity breaks the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, so the only byproduct of this process is another valuable gas.
2. The hydrogen can be stored indefinitely, until it’s needed.
It can be stored underground in places like salt caverns, or even depleted gas wells, making new use of unproductive spaces. A single cavern in a mine can store enough energy to power Los Angeles for a week.
3. It becomes clean fuel for power generation, transportation, heating, and more.
Green hydrogen can also replace fossil-fuel-based hydrogen in industrial applications like producing fertilizer, metals and cement.

No longer hype: green hydrogen is real
In this two-part article, Avantus' Senior Director of Innovation & Technology Solutions explains why the time is finally ripe for large-scale clean hydrogen.

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We’re building partnerships across the green hydrogen value chain now.